
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Play Ball!

Today, the madness officially began.... :-)
It's hard to believe it is that time of year again. This year only two girls are playing ball because, well.....this Mamma can't be three places at once. I did that for two years. It is not good for one's sanity. :-) I am publicly thanking the Stewart family now because i will be calling on them a lot to help me make this crazy schedule magically work through the end of June. And did i mention that we are still doing Tae Kwon Do on top of practices and games? We are out every night of the week. CRAZY.....but good crazy....the pictures tell me it's all worth it! 
Let's play some ball!

This girl is ready!

She is #1!

Love this pink helmet amongst all of the boys. 

Don't let her size fool you my friends....

Batted three times today and hit it on the first pitch every time
and not just a little bounce but one of those 'real boy kind of hits'. 
Can you tell i am extremely proud? :-)

Cutest petite tom-boy ever!

This one did not have a game today but team photos.
 Only she would find it funny to play around in the nasty porta-potty!

How is it possible that this little up to no good
cutie make a porta-potty background look good? :-)

Love this....her shirt looks like it is smiling.

Best buds!

Can you believe people actually ask me if their twins?
My response:  "Identical!"

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