Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Early release day fun with my new toy!

Today was early release from school and i had planned on taking all five kids roller skating, but the weather and a text from a friend, beckoned me to take the kids to play outside first at Playground by the Sound, before hitting the rink.  I took advantage of the clear skies to break in my new camera.  That's camera.  I had been wanting a new 18-200 lens and found it at Costco attached to a really big girl camera....Nikon's D7000.  Much more camera than i will ever need, but boy, is it amazing!  Take a peek at the fun i had today, snapping some of my favorite subjects. 

FYI:  My first new to me camera will be for sale soon.  It is a Nikon D3000.  It will come with the factory lens, 18-55 and a zoom lens, 55-200 plus a fancy one of a kind camera strap made my lovely friend Rachel of  'and then, she {snapped}'.  Let me know if you are interested.

Or...need some family photos?  I'd love to photograph you.  I am cheap and fun!

Yup...we've got two missing top teeth now!

Swinging so high, she almost flipped over!

Such concentration.....

Wonder what this little pretty head is thinking about?

My handsome nephew, Jacob.

My beautiful 'looking so grown up' niece, Hannah.

Sweaty hair to prove that the playground does not disappoint.


The girls all have posts with their names on them at the park and our
Daddy was so sweet to include their big brothers in heaven as well.

And thank goodness for my children's friends...who actually like to be photographed. :-)

Our gorgeous friend, Elena

And her equally gorgeous sister, Emma.

Cutie-patootie Evan.

Oh Janey....those eyes....

Lovely Isabella.

Love me some Luke Stewart!

And this is what was being done most of the time at the rink.....

Good thing they could laugh about it....

And their fall down some more! :-)


  1. oh my gosh, SuLee! I am officially mad at you for being SO awesome with your new big girl camera!! I love that first one of Lily the best.

  2. Great job SuLee!! The lighting in Wheelz Skate Arena is really tricky too!

  3. SuLee, these are so, so great! And exhaustion-inducing. :)
