Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

This is the first year since Lily has been born that the girls have not wanted matching costumes and it kind of broke my heart.  So i put on my big girl panties and let them pick out what they wanted.  Lily wavered between being an angel and a princess.  Bella wanted to be a cowgirl and then decided she wanted to be a pirate in the end.  Grace was going to be Thing 1 and Thing 2 with her cousin Hannah until.....she saw this silly old Twister Game costume at Halloween City that was screamin' her name.  Lily ended up being a pink princess and Bella's pirate costume had skulls on it, even though we don't do skulls.  The skulls were kind of cutsie with hearts and bows, but what sealed the deal was the $7.99 price tag.  We could do skulls for one night at that price.

What a glorious night for trick or treating in Washington.  Hope you had as much fun as we did!

A Pirate, a Twister Game and a Princess!

The Cousins

Twister Game or Lady choose.

Real hoop earring and real eye liner too!

Thank goodness one of them still wants to be girly.

Lady Gaga for sure!
And guess what?  Her costume was the coolest!

"Lou and Jake"

My sister Betty and her husband Tripper

Ran into my bestie Jenny

After all these years...still so cute together!

Don't you just love it when people dress up to give out candy?
Thank you Mamma Bear Caryl!

Heading home......

Goodnight jack o' were fun!


  1. that twister costume is awesome!

  2. haha! I think Lady gaga would DEFINITELY where that twister costume! LOL
