Friday, December 10, 2010

21st birthday X 2!

42 years old! Wow!
Do you remember when you were back in high school and someone mentioning they were in their 30's and you, you are OLD!
The funny thing is, i don't feel old.  I think i am probably in better shape now than i was when i was 21, well maybe not the actual "shape" part but at least i can run a lot further than i could at 21.  I might have been lucky to make it around the block back then. :-)

I had a wonderful day yesterday started off with some of my favorite people and ended with some of my favorite people.  God truly has blessed me with an amazing life.  I've been given an awesome husband who has been by my side for half of my existence...yes, we met when i was 21, and three spectacular little girls who fill my days with joy and last but not least, my remarkable friends who support, love and carry me at times so i can make it through this crazy thing we call life.

Charlie Pete thinking this warm cup feels kind of good...

Charlie and his pretty Mommy Rachel who treated to me coffee and a yummy blueberry scone for my birthday.

Is this amazing or what? Rachel made me this beautiful camera strap. Now i am a "stylin" Momtographer!

Da girlies!

Jeff's attempt at a birthday cake.  Isn't it gorgeous?

Big old A+ for my "surprise" birthday gift...a zoom lens!  I am fancy now!

LOVE these ladies so much!
Rachel, Krisitn, Annie, Me (yes, i love me too) and Jenny

Macadamia chocolate cake...YUM-O!  My friends are so kind too, only 3 candles!

As my friend Nancy says daily on FB....Whoo-hoo, LOVE my 40's!
Roses from the girlies.

Flowers really make my day and my long time friend of 24 years sent this bouquet to me.
  Pictures don't do it justice, it is beyond lovely!  Love You Victoria!
Thank you for taking time to read my birthday post and thank you for the gift of your of the greatest gifts of all!
It was a HAPPY birthday to me!


  1. Grace read your post this morning and said, "SuLee is 42??!!, I thought she was younger than you!"

    Looks like you had a fantabulous birthday! Glad I got to share it with you!

  2. Grace is my new favorite person in the whole world not only because she thinks i am younger than you but because she made my blog look pretty! :-)
